What's a Coffee Commentary?
Subject: Treehouse Coffee Shop
Location visited: Audubon, NJ
Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 4+ [see key]
Update 5/29/09
This coffee locale has been on my radar for some years now, as my first experience with it was over five years ago (it had different owners then). Back then I was less interested in coffee and more interested in entertainment; fun things to do on a Friday and Saturday night that didn't involve getting plastered. Treehouse was and still is today a good place for their open mics and live performances of different kinds. Over the years, I've seen a good share of interesting acts there, one that I oddly remember was a local artist named Sara O'Brien.
On to the coffee, I can't say that I'm excited or disappointed. The coffee is La Colombe, which is a local Philly-roaster, and I share in the sentiment that it's reeeeally overhyped. If you go over to Philly, every stinking coffee establishment with few exceptions brews it. I can't say that I've ever had an amazing cup. Back to Treehouse, they only offer 1 blend of regular coffee (they call it house blend) as well as several flavored choices. Overall, I'd say the coffee is decent.
Going to tea, I was a little stunned. They had Republic of Tea, an always welcome favorite, but they had every variety that I've ever seen. Good news for the tea-sipper.
The epresso was also La Colombe and wasn't too bad. I recently had an americano which was pretty good, so I give it a similar review to the coffee. On the other hand, I did have a latte there once that was truly poor but I give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it was just a bad day for them.
In conclusion, I definately recommend Treehouse, more for the stellar atmosphere and the entertainment but also for the coffee and tea. Plus, since it's located in up-and-coming Collingswood, there's a good deal of small boutiques and resturaunts to check out.
Update of 2/8/07
They switched their brand of coffee to Crescent Moon Coffee Roasters, as well as added several other positive upgrades.
Update of 12/31/07
The Treehouse is for sale!
Update of 8/13/08
The Treehouse has moved from Collingswood to Audubon. The information has changed above and on the map to reflect it. Next time I'm in the area, I hope to stop by to see what the new digs are like and if anything has changed menu-wise.
Update 5/29/09
In going back through my posts, I noticed I never commented on the updated menu. The coffee is still Crescent Moon and the drip often displays a tremendous cup. The espresso is pulled fairly short and as of my last visit, the shots had a good mouthfeel with nice tones of bittersweet chocolate.
Just thought I'd point out that the Treehouse moved from Collingswood to Audubon (about 5 minutes away) last month. There's also a new coffee shop called Espressit down the street in Westmont that has great food...although I think their coffee is La Colombe, just to warn you.
I enjoy your blog, by the way. To be honest, I don't even drink coffee, but as a work-at-home freelancer, it's helped me stake out quite a few good coffee shops in the South Jersey/Philly area for those times when I'm sick of staring at the walls in my house.
So qraxy..
Nk atter
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